Monday 28 February 2011


Hello Everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. 

What with the weather slowly beginning to pick up and the evenings pulling out slightly I decided along to take a nice long walk along the river taking it some of the best riverside sights. I've enclosed a few pictures of my walk and the many places and things I saw for you all to have a look at.

My walk let me see some of the best possible sights of London. I got to see how some of the most historic buildings such as St. Paul's Cathedral and Southwark Cathedral along with modern buildings such as Tate Modern and my personal favourite the Shard building at London Bridge, hopefully one day I'll be able to go right to the top :). 

Adiós, Barry
Stood outside Tate Modern looking across to St Paul's Cathedral with the Millennium Bridge in the background. The bridge is far too wonky for me to even think about stepping foot on it. 

A nice shot of the river with a glimpse of the City in the background.

Tate Modern. Unfortunately I didn't go in but perhaps another day.  I'd love to see the Tate's display of Pisasso and Dali, what with them being my favourite Spanish artists. 

Outside Shakespeare's refurbished Globe Theatre.

Stood outside The Clink Museum :|. Very scaring indeed.

About to set off on my pilgrimage to Canterbury from Southwark Cathedral.

"It'a so tall". Shard Building at London Bridge. Soon to be the tallest building in Europe. 

1 comment:

  1. Some v fab photography in here now, and I also think Barry is developing his own voice which makes the blog more fun to read. Good work. Nicola
