Sunday 20 February 2011

Barry at The London Eye

Hi, I'm Liv, Barry's owner. This is Barry and I on our travels around London. I took him to The London Eye in Waterloo as his first sightseeing destination. He enjoyed it very much. The London eye took 7 years to build in total, but was well worth the wait. It took us half an hour to go round and we saw everything from St Paul's Cathedral to The Houses of Parliament and much more. I do believe Barry is the first elephant ever to be allowed on The London Eye. Everyone made him feel very welcome. He said he would recommend it to anyone.

Unfortunately Barry couldn't blog for himself today as he is a little worse for wear. After our trip to the big wheel, we went to see a band in Soho (his first night out!) and he got a little carried away with himself. Photos and information will soon be on it's way about his fun night out, but first a cup of tea and a good English fry up is in order, a traditional morning-after-the-night-before remedy.

Comment and follow for some fun times.
If anyone has any ideas for our next trip out in London, let me know and we'll get involved.


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