Wednesday 23 February 2011

Barry goes to Highgate!

Malcolm McLaren and Barry

Karl Marx

Jeremy Beadle
Hello everybody, It's Barry here again. Wow! what a weekend that was, finally over my heavy night so decided to blog again myself. My most recent expadition was to Highgate Cemetry in north London with Liv. After my rock and roll night in Soho watching the Ramones tribute band S.E.D.A.T.E.D. it was quite fitting that we should go and visit the deceased Malcolm McLaren, the manager to The Sex Pistols, amongst other's such as the communist philosopher Karl Marx and the television presenter Jeremy Beadle. It is a huge place and would have taken hours to see everyone, but it was rainy so it was decided that we would go and have a hot chocolate (coming from Spain i'm not exactly used to this cold and wet weather!).  Highgate itself and cemetry is a most interesting place, steeped in history and full of character. Well worth a visit if you haven't been before. Entry to the cemetry is £3.00, and if you want a map it'll cost you a further £1.00.

My friend Tom has just come back from his home in Cornwall (I missed him very much), so in the next few posts we'll be hearing from him and our adventures together. We have some fun and silly times planned ahead.

Keep the comments and page views flowing, I like to hear from you.


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