Tuesday 15 March 2011

Barry in Berlin!

Hello everyone, Barry here. Hope you are all well. I have just been on a trip to Berlin with Liv. It was an absolutely fascinating place, full of history and culture, but not only that, it's full of parties and great nightlife.
The place itself is very spread out, so we walked for miles and took trams and tube trains everywhere. My favourite place was the area of Kreuzburg, very chilled out and a little hippyish (very much like Camden in London), and also Alexanderplatz is very good for shopping as it is home to one of the biggest shopping malls in Germany. It was here in Alexanderplatz that we went to a rock club called Rockcafe where we saw a great Hungarian Guns n' Roses tribute band. Absolutely great! It was like seeing them in their prime. GO AXL!! Unfortunately Liv lost her camera with all our fab pictures of the Brandenburg Gates and part of The Berlin Wall (which has now been turned into an outdoor art gallery), so I can't show you our actual pics, but here are a few of the things that we visited anyway.

 (art on the wall)

(Brandenburg Gate)

We had the best time and I would recommend it to everyone. I think when we go again it will be a lot easier to find our way around and then we can concentrate on having a good time without being lost.
Anyway guys, would be great to hear your comments.
Peace out!


Wednesday 9 March 2011

Barry's Twin? :O

Hello everyone, Tom here again.

Hope you're all enjoying recent Barry's post about his trip to the Olympic Stadium (Click here if not). He is already planning his next trip, he really does love all this blogging and meeting new people. Me and Barry are also very thankful for the suggestions about trips he could go on, he is fitting them into his busy schedule, what with him being a very in demand elephant now.

I've recently discovered that Barry has a long lost twin sibling, who is currently travelling the world, such as South America and the far east and is also sharing their tales with the world. If you were interested in seeing their travel pictures you could do so by clicking here. Needless to say we all prefer our Barry here in London but it's always nice to see what other people are up to.


Going for Gold!

** The Stadium **
Good afternoon everyone!! Hope you are all well.

A lot of the fun trips around London I've been on since I've lived here and especially since I've started sharing them all with you all on this blog have mainly featured the most well known and traditional London landmarks and tourist spots.

Now, although all of these have been fun and visiting things such as the Tower of London has been great for expanding my knowledge of this fantastic city I was very excited about the trip I took the other day to the ** Olympic Stadium** in Stratford, East London.

It was great to see something so big, new and currently in the process of being built. I am very excited about the Olympics, I would love to attend, maybe if I get my fitness levels up I may even be able to compete? Imagine it, Barry the Elephant, the first ever gold winning Elephant. Unfortunately I think the people competing have long been decided and are well into their training :(. Maybe in 2016.

Whilst visiting the building of the stadium I was also able to soak up a bit of international culture in the form of also seeing the building of the Anish Kapoor structure to commemorate the 2012 Olympics. Click here to see it in better details, as unfortunately it is only in the early stages of construction so I didn't get to see it in all its glory on this particularly trip. It's going to be bigger than the Statue of Liberty though, now that it big!

If you get a chance to go see the Olympic Stadium being built I would highly recommend it, it doesn't cost anything and it's right by the canal, Hackney Marches and Victoria Park. It's so peaceful and relaxing there. I was lucky enough that when I went it was a sunny day, I temporarily forgot I was in London and felt as if I had been transported back to Spain.

Pointing out the start of Anish Kapoor's structure. Not much but I believe I am of the first of many to visit this. Certainly the first elephant anyway.
A map of what the Olympic area will look like. It's going to be huge! Lots of different areas for very different sports and events.

Viewing the stadium from the nearby canal. A highly recommended (by me) viewing spot. I'll be back in the summer along with Tom and Liv for a picnic for sure.

Monday 7 March 2011

Get Involved!

Hello everyone, It's Tom here.

I believe this is the first time we've actually personally spoke, usually it is Barry taking control of the keyboard to fill you in on what's been happening. Unfortunately Barry is busy at the minute (check back tomorrow to see what his next London trip has entailed) so I thought I'd take this oppertunity to quiz you all.

Me, Olivia and ofcourse **BARRY** are loving all the fun London site seeing adventures that we've encounted so far. However, we want some inspiration for all you readers and for you all to get involved. What in your opinion are the best kept secrets of tourist London? The places where a mini Spanish elephant and his two willing friends absolutely must go for the best possible day out? Get in touch and the ones with the best suggestions may check back on this blog and see that Barry has been to visit your suggested place.

The more unique the better, I look forward to hearing your suggestions...


Sunday 6 March 2011

Tower of London

Hello again everyone, Barry here. Sorry for not reporting back to you all that much lately, I guess it’s just not been such a busy week.

Despite the slow start to the week I have taken a rather exciting trip to one of London’s oldest and most famous attractions, the tower of London. It was such a great place to visit and for anyone like me who isn’t originally from London it’s so exciting to be a to be able to visit all these amazing places.

I've enclosed a few photos from my trip for you all to see.  Hope you all like them and I’d highly recommend going to see the tower and getting a guided tour from one of the resident Beefeaters, I learnt so much and I'm so looking forward to going back.

Taking a moment to relax by the entrance.

At Traitors Gate :|. Lucky for me I was only walking past and wasn't entering by boat.

A great view of the Thames and Tower Bridge.

Love to you all, Barry.

Monday 28 February 2011

Elephant Info

Hey guys, it's Liv here.

Just been having a search of the web and came accross the National Geographic website which has some beautiful pictures and some interesting information about elephants (very stylish, I'm sure Barry will be impressed!).

Aparently both males (bull elephant) and females (cow elephant) have tusks that they use to strip trees of their bark and to dig with, but ivory is in high demand even though selling modern ivory is illegal in the UK. This has left the African elephant an endagered species. If you come accross what you believe to be Illegal ivory, please don't buy it and aid the killing spree, it will be a sad day when elephants become extinct.

Sorry to get so serious, back to some beautifulness, did you know that elephants can live for up to 70 years and can weigh up to 6,350kg?

This is a most interesting wesite and think you should check it out. Here is the link.


Hello Everyone, hope you all had a good weekend. 

What with the weather slowly beginning to pick up and the evenings pulling out slightly I decided along to take a nice long walk along the river taking it some of the best riverside sights. I've enclosed a few pictures of my walk and the many places and things I saw for you all to have a look at.

My walk let me see some of the best possible sights of London. I got to see how some of the most historic buildings such as St. Paul's Cathedral and Southwark Cathedral along with modern buildings such as Tate Modern and my personal favourite the Shard building at London Bridge, hopefully one day I'll be able to go right to the top :). 

Adiós, Barry
Stood outside Tate Modern looking across to St Paul's Cathedral with the Millennium Bridge in the background. The bridge is far too wonky for me to even think about stepping foot on it. 

A nice shot of the river with a glimpse of the City in the background.

Tate Modern. Unfortunately I didn't go in but perhaps another day.  I'd love to see the Tate's display of Pisasso and Dali, what with them being my favourite Spanish artists. 

Outside Shakespeare's refurbished Globe Theatre.

Stood outside The Clink Museum :|. Very scaring indeed.

About to set off on my pilgrimage to Canterbury from Southwark Cathedral.

"It'a so tall". Shard Building at London Bridge. Soon to be the tallest building in Europe.