Sunday 6 March 2011

Tower of London

Hello again everyone, Barry here. Sorry for not reporting back to you all that much lately, I guess it’s just not been such a busy week.

Despite the slow start to the week I have taken a rather exciting trip to one of London’s oldest and most famous attractions, the tower of London. It was such a great place to visit and for anyone like me who isn’t originally from London it’s so exciting to be a to be able to visit all these amazing places.

I've enclosed a few photos from my trip for you all to see.  Hope you all like them and I’d highly recommend going to see the tower and getting a guided tour from one of the resident Beefeaters, I learnt so much and I'm so looking forward to going back.

Taking a moment to relax by the entrance.

At Traitors Gate :|. Lucky for me I was only walking past and wasn't entering by boat.

A great view of the Thames and Tower Bridge.

Love to you all, Barry.

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